Depression and Anxiety
Modern society is educated and pressured to mainly be joyful, peaceful, and powerful but the fact is that we are human and we experience all aspects of being including feeling sad, mad, and scared. Part of what I do is to help you to accept these sad, mad, and scared aspects of your being and where depression and anxiety become overwhelming help you to put strategies in place to assist you with managing them.
It’s okay and it’s normal to feel uncomfortable, and to accept discomfort as part of being a human is all part of the process of life.
Feeling depressed !
Feeling depressed is not the same for everybody and there are a wide range of symptoms which vary in nature and severity. The following areas indicate the presence of depression especially where there have been noticeable changes.
Symptoms of Depression
- Sadness (feeling gloomy, moody, or dispirited),
- Feeling irritable and unable to cope,
- Feeling guilty and blaming yourself for things going wrong,
- Feeling dead or numb emotionally,
- Feeling angry a lot or being unable to express anger,
- Inability to experience pleasure,
- Experiencing despair,
- Feelings of worthlessness and/or hopelessness,
- Seeing yourself in a much poorer light (self-criticism),
- Negative expectations and doubts about the future,
- Believing that you can’t cope and that things are out of your control,
- Difficulty making decisions and unable to think clearly,
- Having suicidal thoughts and even planning how you might act out suicide,
- Poor concentration and memory
- Social withdrawal or a dependency on others,
- Loss of interest in activities and a decrease in activities,
- Lack of energy and motivation,
- Weepiness or having difficulty in crying,
- Being tired and feeling sluggish,
- Agitation and an inability to stick at anything for very long,
- Increase in the use of drugs and/or alcohol,
- Lack of sleep, sleeping more than usual, or disturbed sleep patterns,
- Loss of appetite leading to weight loss,
- Over-eating or craving food leading to weight gain,
- Aches, pains, and stomach problems,
- Loss of sexual desire and activity,
- Feeling physically ill.
Anxiety is one of the most distressing emotions that people feel. It is sometimes called fear or nervousness. Important events in our lives can contribute to anxiety, for example, trauma, illness or deaths, things we are taught (“If you get dirty, you’ll get sick”), things we observe (watching planes crashing on the television news), and experiences that seem hard to handle (publicly speaking in front of a large crowd).
The symptoms we experience when we are anxious are part of the anxiety response called “fight, flight, or freeze”. These three anxiety responses are crucial human reactions to danger or a life-threatening situation. Unfortunately, we also experience these reactions when watching a movie about a robbery or when standing in front of a group of people to give a speech. I’ll be able to teach you ways of reducing your anxiety when danger is not present, when the danger is not as serious as you might think, or when too much anxiety interferes with your ability to adequately cope.